The GoCompost App is now available in the App Store and the Google Play Store.

A team of student volunteers created the GoCompost App aiming to help engage the Orange County residents in composting with knowledge and a sense of community. It focuses on community composting as an actionable solution to today’s waste crisis. The App combines four main features: Check, Map, Impact & Community in one single mobile environment to empower users to easily start composting and contribute to a greener community.

Users can enter as a guest or sign in to a personal account.

A personalized DASHBOARD motivates users by reporting progress and impact in reducing landfilling and greenhouse gas emissions. The bottom navigation bar will take users to Check, Map, Impact or Community.

The CHECK function helps users find out whether waste is compostable to avoid contamination. This section contains both EPA and Orange County SWM lists of compostables, searchable using keywords or category pictures to check if an item is compostable at home or acceptable at Orange County organic waste drop off locations.

The dynamic MAP helps users find nearby locations to send the organic waste to for composting.

IMPACT encourages users to log and track their composting activities by the mass of organic waste diverted from landfills, and see the impact of their everyday choices. It includes a conversion to landfill tipping fee saving based on national average. A separate food waste greenhouse gas calculator based on EPA Waste Reduction Model (WARM) will show the greenhouse gas benefits by composting instead of landfilling. It also uses the EPA GHG equivalencies calculator to compare it to our everyday activity like miles driven by a passenger car. Impact calculator is for general reference only, subject to various assumptions and limitations.

COMMUNITY is where users get connected and involved in composting and greener lifestyle. Users can search posts or events by type, keyword or date. It has four tabs. FEED highlights newest announcements. POSTS share inspiring stories from our community. EVENTS invite the community to get involved. FEEDBACK is where users can send comments, questions or propose events. These functions connect users as a collaborative community to achieve the common goal.